Mortgage Refinance

Thursday Apr 09th, 2020



It's no doubt that people are losing their jobs, taking care of loved ones and money is tight. Getting a new mortgage to replace the original is called refinancing. Refinancing is done to allow a borrower to obtain a better interest rate and use the extra money in their favor.

Here are some reasons why you should consider a Mortgage Refinance:

1. Consolidating Debt

When there are many things to pay for, our monthly bills tend to become overwhelming and hard to keep track of. Refinancing is a great way to fix this problem and maybe even save you money in the long run.

2. Lower Monthly Payment

When you refinance your home, one thing that may be offered is the ability to lower your monthly loan payments, by extending your loan term.

3. Lower Interest Rate

If you have the chance to make your interest rate lower, then wouldn’t you want to do it? Obtaining a lower interest rate on your mortgage is a great reason to refinance your home.

4. Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner

Paying off your mortgage sooner ultimately allows you to pay less than you would have if you went the whole time.

5. Home Renovations

Home renovations can range from added rooms, bigger yards, or maybe even a swimming pool. We are dedicated to helping you make your house into a home in any way possible and refinancing it is a great place to start.

Not quite sure if you qualify? Give me a call at 905-601-1010 or email: I can help you.

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